Morenic Trail

The Morenic Trail runs entirely along the perimeter of the moraine left after the retreat of the Baltese glacier at the end of the last glaciation.

It starts from Andrate on the NE vertex and arrives after more than 119 km at Brosso on the NO vertex. Definitely runnable route, on usually easy trails and dirt roads, and absence of long steep sections. However, the continuous ups and downs leading to a non-negligible overall elevation gain, and the distance of more than 119 km recommend in any case a careful distribution of one’s forces.

Morenic Trail – 119K

Trail in semi-self-sufficiency of 119km along the paths of the Ivrea Morenic Amphitheater. The organization will mark the route and set up a series of refreshments with food and drinks, great refreshment on Lake Candia (about 75km). Pair participation is also planned.


Morenic TraiLake – 50K

Semi-autonomous trail of 50km along the paths of the Ivrea Morenic Amphitheater starting from the shore of Lake Candia and finishing in Brosso. The organization will mark the route and set up a series of refreshments with food and drinks. Awards ceremony and final buffet in Brosso.


Morenic Trail – relay

Form a team of 2 to 4 runners with your friends. Passing of the baton will be done at relay locations (Viverone, Lake Candia, Strambinello). Each competitor will be allowed to run a maximum of two fractions.
Men’s team, women’s team, mixed team (men and women)

Maximum time

The maximum time for the competition is 24 hours, calculated to allow the trailers to run with a good pace.